% 00bugs.txt % List of `known' bugs in the dc-fonts version 1.3 as of 4-JUL-1996 This file contains the known bugs in version 1.3 of the dc-fonts. The bugs are given in no particular order. If you think you have found a bug in dc fonts 1.3, please check this list, if it is already `known'. 1. With the following input files, some low resolution errors occur frequently (strange path, Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0): dcit0800 dcso0500 dcso0800 dcsx0500 dcsx0800 tcb0600 tcbl0600 tcbx0600 tcit0800 2. With the following files, strange path errors occur frequently, even with high resolution modes tcci2488 tcci3583 tcti2488 tcti3583 3. The ogonek stroke seems not change with the setting of |blacker| to a positive number. 4. The parameter extrapolation fails severely for dcbi0500; allthough there are no METAFONT runtime errors, the bitmaps are damaged