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What are TUG and TUGboat?

TUG is the TeX Users Group. TUGboat is TUG's main journal, containing useful articles about TeX and METAFONT. TUG also produces a newsletter for members (TeX and TUG News), organises a yearly conference, runs training courses, sells almost all TeX-related books, and distributes TeX-related microcomputer software on disk. TUG has a Technical Council to coordinate TeX-related developments (TUG Technical Working Groups). Enquiries should be directed to:

TeX Users Group
1466 NW Front Avenue, Suite 3141
Portland, OR 97209
Tel: (+1) 503-223-9994
Fax: (+1) 503-223-3960
Email: tug@mail.tug.org
Web: http://www.tug.org/
CTAN details: usergrps/tug

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