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Defining a new log-like function in LaTeX

Use the \mathop command, as in:

  \newcommand{\diag}{\mathop{\rm diag}}

Subscripts and superscripts on \diag will be placed exactly as they are on \lim. If you want your subscripts and superscripts always placed to the right, do:

\newcommand{\diag}{\mathop{\rm diag}\nolimits}

This works in LaTeX 2.09 and in LaTeX2e, but not under NFSS alone (see problems with \rm, etc.). However, the canonical method for doing this in LaTeX2e is to use the the \DeclareMathOperator command of amsopn.sty (which is part of the AMS-LaTeX package: macros/latex/packages/amslatex).

(It should be noted that ``log-like'' was reportedly a joke on Lamport's part; it is of course clear what was meant.)

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