The teTeX Homepage

teTeX is a complete TeX distribution for UNIX compatible systems, maintained by me, Thomas Esser. It is based on Karl Berry's Web2c distribution.

My main aims when putting this distribution together have been:

The directory structure of teTeX is based on the TeX Directory Structure standard (TDS).

Getting teTeX

The easiest way to download teTeX is to use the form given here.

teTeX can be installed using recompiled binaries or by compiling it from the sources. You might also be looking for updates.

You can get the teTeX distribution via ftp from:

A pretest version of teTeX-0.9 based on web2c-7.2 is also available via ftp. Please, note that this is not a final release. I have made this available to get bugfixes and binaries for platforms I don't have access to. If you are not familiar with debugging problems, please wait for the final version. The main new features of the new release will be: pdftex (0.11), xdvi (xdvi(k) 20a) and dvips (dvips(k) 5.76a) with hypertex support, e-TeX (version 1.1).

Mailing lists

There are two mailing-lists about teTeX available at tetex and tetex-announce. To subscribe, just send a mail containing the line

subscribe tetex [ <my@email-address> ]


subscribe tetex-announce [ <my@email-address> ]

to To access the archive of the tetex list, you can use the WWW gateway given here.