Note that throughout this document, when I say `Win32', this means Windows 9x and Windows NT. |
There are many previewers for dvi files under Win32. The most popular is probably Dviwin by H. Sendoukas. However it lacks some important features:
Unfortunately, the Dviwin sources were never put into the public domain; on the other side of the fence, Xdvi under Unix has these features, is widely used and its sources are available. Xdvi(k) uses the kpathsea library to search directories, already used in the Web2c-win32 port of TeX, so there was some interest in porting Xdvi(k) to Win32. As it turned out, this turned into far more than just a port, as X Windows is far from Win32. All the user interface and the graphical part has been rewritten.
For the future, when the base functionality of Xdvi(k) is available and stable under Win32, we can expect to add the interesting features of Dviwin to Windvi.
The most important features of Windvi are as follows:
Windvi is part of the Web2c package for win32. You will find the whole Web2C package on any CTAN archive, for example:
Beta versions of Web2C for Win32 are available from:
If you want to retrieve only the windvi distribution, you should get: for the standalone released version; for beta versions, xx being always as high as possible.
Announcements of beta version are made through the texk-win32 mailing-list. Subscriptions can be sent to Send 'help' in the subject for more information.
Assuming you have retrieved one of the files, you will have to unpack it at the <root> of some TDS conformant texmf tree like this one:
In order not to overwrite the texmf.cnf and mktex.cnf files of people who are already using Web2c for win32, those files are distributed as texmf.xam and mktex.xam. You must rename them if you don't already have .cnf files.
Next, add <root>\bin\win32
to your PATH. This is done by modifying autoexec.bat under
Windows 9x or the Control Panel/System under Windows NT.
If you have respected the previous layout for the tree, ie the relative position of windvi.exe with respect to the texmf directory, you should not have anything more to configure than update your PATH environment variable.
If you want to use windvi.exe in another context, you may need to set the TEXMFMAIN and / or TEXMFCNF environment variable. TEXMFMAIN must point to the texmf directory and TEXMFCNF to the directory containing texmf.cnf.
The generation of PK files is under control of the Kpathsea library through the use of mktexpk.exe. You can choose the destination for generated files --- the scheme is explained in detail in the Kpathsea documentation.
The main points are:
In order to use gsftopk.exe to generate PK files for Type1 fonts, you will need to install Ghostscript.
Ghostscript is used in the background for computing the bitmaps. Setting it up is quite easy; assuming
that Ghostscript has been installed in c:\gstools\gs5.10
and fonts in c:\gstools\fonts
, add to
your environment:
After that, Windvi should be able to generate PK files for your Type1 fonts, providing you have the corresponding vf and tfm files. It is however wise to try mktexnam.exe on some of your fonts ('mktexnam ptmr8r' for example) to check that the fonts will be put at the right place.
Create a shortcut to Windvi on your desktop:
Next, explore your computer, drag and drop some dvi file onto the Windvi icon. If everything goes well, Windvi will open your dvi file and choose a suitable shrink factor for the page to be fully displayed.
You can use `rgb:/rr/gg/bb/' where rr, gg and bb are the hexadecimal (00-FF) intensities of red, green and blue component, or any of the following symbolic names :
snow | MidnightBlue | MediumSpringGreen | red |
GhostWhite | navy | GreenYellow | HotPink |
WhiteSmoke | NavyBlue | LimeGreen | DeepPink |
gainsboro | CornflowerBlue | YellowGreen | pink |
FloralWhite | DarkSlateBlue | ForestGreen | LightPink |
OldLace | SlateBlue | OliveDrab | PaleVioletRed |
linen | MediumSlateBlue | DarkKhaki | maroon |
AntiqueWhite | LightSlateBlue | khaki | MediumVioletRed |
PapayaWhip | MediumBlue | PaleGoldenrod | VioletRed |
BlanchedAlmond | RoyalBlue | LightGoldenrodYellow | magenta |
bisque | blue | LightYellow | violet |
PeachPuff | DodgerBlue | yellow | plum |
NavajoWhite | DeepSkyBlue | gold | orchid |
moccasin | SkyBlue | LightGoldenrod | MediumOrchid |
cornsilk | LightSkyBlue | goldenrod | DarkOrchid |
ivory | SteelBlue | DarkGoldenrod | DarkViolet |
LemonChiffon | LightSteelBlue | RosyBrown | BlueViolet |
seashell | LightBlue | IndianRed | purple |
honeydew | PowderBlue | SaddleBrown | MediumPurple |
MintCream | PaleTurquoise | sienna | thistle |
azure | DarkTurquoise | peru | gray0 |
AliceBlue | MediumTurquoise | burlywood | grey0 |
lavender | turquoise | beige | DarkGrey |
LavenderBlush | cyan | wheat | DarkGray |
MistyRose | LightCyan | SandyBrown | DarkBlue |
white | CadetBlue | tan | DarkCyan |
black | MediumAquamarine | chocolate | DarkMagenta |
DarkSlateGray | aquamarine | firebrick | DarkRed |
DarkSlateGrey | DarkGreen | brown | LightGreen |
DimGray | DarkOliveGreen | DarkSalmon | |
DimGrey | DarkSeaGreen | salmon | |
SlateGray | SeaGreen | LightSalmon | |
SlateGrey | MediumSeaGreen | orange | |
LightSlateGray | LightSeaGreen | DarkOrange | |
LightSlateGrey | PaleGreen | coral | |
gray | SpringGreen | LightCoral | |
grey | LawnGreen | tomato | |
LightGrey | green | OrangeRed | |
LightGray | chartreuse | red | |