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The fontenc package

Users can select new font encodings using the fontenc package. The fontenc package has options for encodings; the last option becomes the default encoding. For example, to use the OT2 (Washington University Cyrillic encoding) and T1 encodings, with T1 as the default, an author types:
For each font encoding <ENC> given as an option, this package loads the encoding definition (<enc>enc.def, with an all lower-case name) file; it also sets \encodingdefault to be the last encoding in the option list. The declarations in the encoding definition file <enc>enc.def for encoding <ENC> are responsible for declaring this encoding and telling LATEX how to produce characters in this encoding; this file should contain nothing else (see Section 5.2.

The standard LATEX format declares the OT1 and T1 text encodings by inputting the files ot1enc.def and t1enc.def; it also sets up various defaults which require that OT1-encoded fonts are available. Other encoding set-ups might be added to the distribution at a later stage. Thus the example above loads the files ot2enc.def and t1enc.def and sets \encodingdefault to T1.

Warning: If you wish to use T1-encoded fonts other than the `cmr' family then you may need to load the package (e.g. times) that selects the fonts before loading fontenc (this prevents the system from attempting to load any T1-encoded fonts from the `cmr' family).

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