1. \Configure{HtmlPar} {noindent-P} {indent-P} {from-noindent-P} {from-indent-P}
The first two parameters of this command determine the kind of code to be inserted at the start of, respectively, nonindented and indented paragraphs.
* 1
* 2
* 3
* 4
* 5 | \Configure{HtmlPar} {} {* } {} {} \par 1\par 2\par 3\par 4\par 5 |
[ 1
][ 2
][ 3
][ 4
][ 5
] | \Configure{HtmlPar} {[ } {\EndP [ } { ]} { ]} \par 1\par 2\par 3\par 4\par 5 \Configure{HtmlPar} {}{\EndP} {}{} \par\leavevmode |
2. \IgnorePar
This command asks that no code will be inserted at the beginning of the next paragraph.
3. \ShowPar
This command asks that code will be inserted at the beginning of the next paragraph.
4. \NoIndent
This command asks to treat the next paragraph as nonindented.
5. \Indent
This command asks to treat the following paragraphs as indented.