TeX Live - Unix and Windows TeX on a CD-ROM

TUG helps to develop, as well as provide to its members and members of LUGs, a TeX Live CD-ROM, containing ready-to-run TeX systems for most types of Unix and Windows 95/NT, and a very complete tree of fonts and macros arranged according to the standard TeX directory structure (TDS).

The TeX Live CD has been developed since 1996 by collaboration between the TeX Users Group (TUG), and the TeX user groups of the the Czech Republic, France, Germany, India, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia and the UK.

The fifth edition is based on Web2c 7.3.1 and teTeX 1.0, but contains additions and extensions to both these systems. Nearly half the packages on the CD have changed in some way since 1999, and many new ones have been (including a complete set for CJK languages).

With TeX Live, you can either run directly off the CD, or install programs to your hard disk, using a simple install program.

If you're interested in redistributing TeX Live 5 within your organization or department, please see the copying conditions.

  1. How to obtain the CD
  2. The contents of the CD
  3. Supported systems
  4. Using the CD on Unixes without Rock Ridge
  5. Known bugs and problems

How to obtain the CD

The TeX Live CD is distributed as a benefit of membership to TUG members each year. (The TeX Live 5 CD is shipped with TUGboat 21(1); new TUG members in 2000 automatically receive all issues of TUGboat 21 and all CDs bundled therewith.)

If you wish to obtain the TeX Live CD through TUG, simply become a member; you will receive the TeX Live CD with the abovementioned issue of TUGboat - please see the information on joining TUG.

Many local TeX users groups also make the CD available to their members. If you wish to receive TeX Live as a benefit of membership in one of these organizations, please contact the appropriate address provided here.

TUG members or members of other TeX users groups wishing to receive additional CD's should contact TUG or their local users group for more information.

The contents of the CD

The support tree includes the complete LaTeX from December 1999, all tools, and most of the contributed packages on CTAN; many format files are provided, including variants for e-TeX and pdfTeX. Other sets of miscellaneous macros are also included. Font families include CM (including the Blue Sky/Y&Y Type 1 versions of the fonts), EC, TC, AMS, Euler, Concrete, and the complete set of PostScript metrics from CTAN.

Source material for all packages, fonts and programs is on the CD. Documentation is available in at least one (and sometimes all) of dvi, PDF and HTML.

The documentation for the CD is available as the HTML document or in the Portable Document Format.

Supported systems

Presently Unix executables for the following platform/operating system combinations are included:

As the CD-ROM uses the ISO-9660 standard, the platform-independent files can, in principle, be read on all operating systems which are compatible with that format. To preserve the complete Unix/POSIX file system information the file tree was recorded with the Rock Ridge extensions, so that long filenames are honored. Some operating systems, most notably MS-DOS, do not support these extensions, so that only the ISO-9660 filenames are used, but with this limitation, the files are readable on all systems.

Using the CD on non-Rock Ridge systems

The CD is in ISO-9660 (High Sierra) format, with Rock Ridge extensions. In order to take full advantage of the CD on a Unix system, your system needs to be able to use the Rock Ridge extensions. Please consult the documentation for your mount command to see if it is possible.

If you have several different machines on a local network, see if you can mount the CD on one which does support Rock Ridge, and use it from the others;

Linux, FreeBSD, Sun, SGI and DEC Alpha systems should be able to use the CD with no problems. We would appreciate receiving detailed advice from other system users who also succeed, for future versions of this documentation.

Author: Sebastian Rahtz.
Last modified: March 2000.
Please send comments by email to rahtz@tug.org

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