NTG's MAPS 4 (1990)


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Gerard van Nes (editor)
MAPS 90.1, Dutch/English, MAPS 4, 1990 (NTG), pp. 1-88
keywords: NTG, MAPS, Minutes & Appendices
abstract: NTG's magazine
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Gerard van Nes
Verslag, Dutch, MAPS 4, 1990, pp. 3-9
keywords: verslag, ledenvergadering
abstract: Opening; Verslag bijeenkomst 11 mei 1989; Ingekomen stukken en Mededelingen; Verslag/discussie werkgroepen; Verenigingszaken; Rondvraag; Sluiting.
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Besluitenlijst, Dutch, MAPS 4, 1990, pp. 10
keywords: besluitenlijst
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TeX kalender, Dutch, MAPS 4, 1990, pp. 10
keywords: kalender
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Werkgroepen Nederlandstalige TeX Gebruikersgroep, Dutch, MAPS 4, 1990, pp. 11-12
keywords: werkgroepen
abstract: Verslag werkgroepen.
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Begroting NTG 1990, Dutch, MAPS 4, 1990, pp. 13-14
keywords: begroting
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Ontvangen local guides en andere TeX documenten, Dutch, MAPS 4, 1990, pp. 15
keywords: local guides
abstract: Overzicht ontvangen local guides.
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TEX-NL subscription, Dutch, MAPS 4, 1990, pp. 16-18
keywords: listserver, TEX-NL
abstract: Overzicht gebruikers listserver.
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NTG fileserver faciliteiten, Dutch, MAPS 4, 1990, pp. 19-22
keywords: fileserver
abstract: Overzicht inhoud NTG fileserver.
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Vragen van gebruikers, Dutch, MAPS 4, 1990, pp. 23-26
keywords: !!
abstract: !!
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NTG Software Distributie Service, Dutch, MAPS 4, 1990, pp. 27-28
keywords: software distributie
abstract: !!
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NTG DOS-diskette Distributie Service, Dutch, MAPS 4, 1990, pp. 29-30
keywords: DOS, diskette, distributie
abstract: !!
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Announcement TeX90 Conference, English, MAPS 4, 1990, pp. 31-32
keywords: conference announcement, Cork
abstract: The 1990 TeX meeting in Europe is the fifth such conference organised since 1985. It also breaks new ground as the first to be a TeX Users Group (TUG) meeting outside North America. The TeX computer typesetting program is now widely established as the de facto standard in scientific, educational and commercial use for the setting of documents requiring very high standards of typographic control, particularly technical documents, and for applications where high quality, portability and device-independence are of importance.
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Kees van der Laan, Theo Jurriens, Jan Maasdam, J. Bleeker
Announcement SGML & TeX Conference, English, MAPS 4, 1990, pp. 33-34
keywords: SGML, conference announcement, courses
abstract: Announcement of joint SGML User Group Holland and NTG meeting. Several courses are offered. Two parallel streams of lectures, one mainly devoted to SGML and the other to TeX.
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Courses SGML & TeX Conference, English, MAPS 4, 1990, pp. 35-42
keywords: courses, SGML, conference
abstract: !!
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TEX-NL discussies, Dutch, MAPS 4, 1990, pp. 43-46
keywords: listserver, TEX-NL
abstract: Overzicht gebruikers listserver.
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Working group 1: Education; State of affairs, English, MAPS 4, 1990, pp. 47-51
keywords: working group, education
abstract: An impression of what has been done by members of the WG, and others, is given. Members: C.G. van der Laan (coord.), T. Biegstraaten, G. Haayer, J.R. Luyten, P. Tutelaers. Known -- through december 1989 -- courseware and TeX-related (Dutch) courses are mentioned in appendices.
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Werkgroep 7: PC-zaken, Dutch, MAPS 4, 1990, pp. 52
keywords: werkgroep, PC, MS-DOS
abstract: Verslag werkgroep 7: PC-zaken.
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Werkgroep 10: SGML-TeX, English, MAPS 4, 1990, pp. 53-54
keywords: werkgroep, SGML
abstract: An impression of what has been done by members of the WG is given. Members: C.G. van der Laan (coord.), T. Biegstraaten, J. Bleeker, D.C. Coleman, J. Grootenhuis. Prospects: Publishing houses strongly believe in the `marriage' of SGML and TeX.
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Werkgroep 13: `Neerlandica', Dutch, MAPS 4, 1990, pp. 55-56
keywords: werkgroep, Nederlands
abstract: Verslag werkgroep 13: `Neerlandica'.
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Werkgroep 14: Communicatie, Dutch, MAPS 4, 1990, pp. 57-60
keywords: werkgroep, communicatie
abstract: Verslag werkgroep 14: Communicatie.
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Johannes Braams, Victor Eijkhout, Nico Poppelier
The Development of National LaTeX styles, English, MAPS 4, 1990, pp. 61-66
keywords: LaTeX, national styles
abstract: In its autumn 1988 meeting, the Dutch TeX users group (NTG) established a working group (number 13) that was to concentrate on the problems involved in the use of TeX for Dutch texts. Since then the working group, which includes the authors, has created a number of style options for LaTeX that remedy some common problems with the non-English use of LaTeX, and is on its way developing document styles that are compatible with the standard styles, but have a layout that is more palatable for Dutch users. In this article we treat implementation aspects of the styles and style options, and we discuss some matters of layout.
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Victor Eijkhout
Unusual paragraph shapes, English, MAPS 4, 1990, pp. 67-70
keywords: paragraph shapes
abstract: Although the TeXbook states that TeX's paragraph mechanism `can be harnessed to a surprising variety of tasks', the strangest paragraph shapes that I have implement use no feature of the line-breaking algorithm. Instead, I have found that the control sequences \everypar and \lastbox are extremely powerful tools. I give three examples of this.
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Nico Poppelier
Ingekomen brief, Dutch, MAPS 4, 1990, pp. 71-72
keywords: ingekomen brief, LaTeX-cursussen, TeXnique
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Johannes Braams, Kees van der Laan
EuroTeX 89, Dutch, MAPS 4, 1990, pp. 73-76
keywords: EuroTeX, conferentie
abstract: Algemeen:
-- Polen stal de harten;
-- Veranderingen LaTeX, gecoordineerd door Frank M. en Jan R.;
-- Teaching TeX in discussie;
-- Cork bijeenkomst voorbereid;
-- Zowel PD als commerciële TeX aktiviteiten nodig;
-- Een Nederlandse vertaling van Schwarz's Einführung in TeX is op komst;
-- Leerzaam handout voor potentiële DANTE leden, inclusief questionnaire;
-- Quixote Oriental Fonts project (Hosek);
-- Schroder's changebars macro;
-- Thull's MS-DOS PD TeX;
-- TeX-omgevingen: PCTeXE (MS-DOS), TeXE (AOS/VS), CEO-TeXE (Data General).
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Kees van der Laan
Teaching TeX: Critics & LaTeX proposal, English, MAPS 4, 1990, pp. 77-82
keywords: education, macro writing, courseware, international and universal modules
abstract: Some critics -- mainly LaTeX based -- on the approach are given: TeXnically driven instead of result driven. Also is notified the omission of a general pedagogical method to be used. Furthermore, it is urged to have unified courseware. A set of LaTeX courses is proposed. No test set is included. The underlying idea of having TUG certified courses world-wide is strongly endorsed.
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Victor Eijkhout, Nico Poppelier
Wat is TeX?, Dutch, MAPS 4, 1990, pp. 83-88
keywords: !!
abstract: In de huidige tijd van WYSIWYG `desktop publishing' systemen lijkt het vreemd een systeem te propageren met honderden, vaak ingewikkelde, instructies. Wat het tekstopmaaksysteem TeX desondanks aantrekkelijk maakt, is het feit dat het programmeerbaar is: de basisinstructies kunnen worden samengevoegd tot zeer gecompliceerde instructies die een eenmaal ontworpen opmaak geheel automatisch feilloos reproduceren. Hierdoor hoeft de gebruiker uitsluitend nog de structuur van het document aan te geven en niet de vormgeving, het uiterlijk, ervan. Met deze gedachte sluit TeX nauw aan bij recente ontwikkelingen in de uitgeverswereld omtrent SGML.
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Postbus 394
1740 AJ Schagen
The Netherlands
E-mail: ntg@ntg.nl

Last modified: Fri Apr 3 15:31:35 MDT 1998 by: Piet van Oostrum