NTG's MAPS 5 (1990)


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Gerard van Nes (editor)
MAPS 90.2, Dutch/English, MAPS 5, 1990 (NTG), pp. 1-146
keywords: NTG, MAPS, Minutes & Appendices
abstract: NTG's magazine
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Besluitenlijst, Dutch, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 9
keywords: besluiten
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TeX kalender, Dutch, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 9
keywords: kalender
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Werkgroepen NTG, Dutch, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 10-11
keywords: werkgroepen
abstract: Verslag werkgroepen.
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Ontvangen Local Guides en andere TeX documenten, Dutch, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 12
keywords: local guide
abstract: Overzicht ontvangen local guides.
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TEX-NL subscription, Dutch, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 13-15
keywords: listserver, TEX-NL
abstract: Overzicht gebruikers listserver.
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NTG fileserver faciliteiten, Dutch, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 16-20
keywords: fileserver
abstract: Overzicht inhoud NTG fileserver.
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Piet van Oostrum
TeX stuff at cs.uu.nl, English, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 21-26
keywords: FTP, archives, mail server, software
abstract: Here is a brief description of our archive of TeX stuff. The archive is available by FTP and by mail server. It contains various things, a.o. Atari ST software, GNU software, some Unix software and a lot of TeX things. I will concentrate on the TeX stuff in this message.
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NTG Software Distributie Service, Dutch, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 27-28
keywords: NTG, distributie, software
abstract: Deze bijlage beschrijft een aantal distributie-services die door enkele NTG leden worden uitgevoerd.
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NTG DOS-diskette Distributie Service, Dutch, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 29-30
keywords: MS-DOS, diskette, distributie
abstract: !!
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Jos Winnink
Werkgroep 7: PC-zaken; TeX voor MS/PC-DOS PC's, Dutch, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 31-34
keywords: werkgroepen, PC, MS-DOS, Atari
abstract: Activiteiten van werkgroep 7: PC-zaken.
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Kees van der Laan
Werkgroep 8: NTG gebruikersdag; SGML-TeX Seminar, Dutch, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 35-36
keywords: werkgroepen, SGML, seminar
abstract: Terugblik op organisatie.
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Working group 13: `Neerlandica', Dutch, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 37-38
keywords: Neerlandica
abstract: Verslag werkgroep 13: `Neerlandica'.
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David Osborne
SGML-TeX conference, Groningen, English, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 39-42
keywords: SGML, conference
abstract: For their second full-day international meeting, the Nederlandstalige TeX Gebruikersgroep (NTG) organised, in conjunction with the Dutch SGML Users Group, a conference intended to focus interest on the use of TeX and SGMLtogether. On August 31st, approximately 100 delegates from both `camps' attended the day's events in Groningen, with what seemed a good balance between SGML-ers and TeXies.
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Joop van Gent
Two faces of text, English, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 43-48
keywords: databases, document retrieval, searching, logical structure
abstract: TeX as a programming tool for advanced document retrieval systems.
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Frank Mittelbach, Rainer Schöpf
Towards LaTeX 3.0, English, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 49-54
keywords: LaTeX 3.0
abstract: LaTeX is a very valuable tool for document composition. As a TeX macro package, it is unique in its concept of logical commands, at the same time retaining enough flexibility with visually oriented commands to allow the user a relatively easy correction of an automatically chosen layout. This fact makes it far superior to the plain and AMS-TeX macro packages when it comes to professional applications. Therefore the LaTeX re-implementation project is certainly one of the most important efforts to `expand TeX's horizon'. This is the place to link TeX with the modern developments like SGML. This paper describes the current status of the re-implementation of LaTeX.
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Amy Hendrickson
Getting TeXnical: Insight into TeX Macro Writing Techniques, English, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 55-66
keywords: macro writing, techniques
abstract: Most of us understand the basic form of TeX macros but that understanding alone is often inadequate when we need to solve certain problems. We need additional insight to be able to develop methods of passing information, moving text with changed catcodes, preserving blank lines, and more. Writing a large macro package brings in a new set of issues: how toavoid bumping into implementation restrictions, e.g., constraints of hash size, string size, and others; how to make a pleasant user interface; how to make your code as concise as possible. Some of the techniques to be discussed here include making a macro with a variable number of arguments; changing catcodes in macros, defining a macro whose argument is intentionally never used; conserving hash size by using counters instead of newifs; csname techniques and non-outer dynamic allocation; and table making techniques. Finally, some suggestions are included on methods to use when developing new macros.
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Victor Eijkhout, Andries Lenstra
The Document Style Designer as a Separate Entity, English, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 67-70
keywords: style designer
abstract: An argument for the need for a programmable meta format: a format that introduces a new syntactic level in TeX for document style designers.
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Johannes Braams, Victor Eijkhout, Nico Poppelier
The Dutch national LaTeX effort, English, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 71-74
keywords: LaTeX, Dutch
abstract: In this article an overview is given of the activities of working group 13 (WG 13) of the `Nederlandstalige TeX Gebruikersgroep' (Dutch TeX Users Group). This working group is also called `Neerlandica', and is interested in anything that has something to do with using LaTeX (and TeX) in a non-American environment. The topics tackled so far range from the design of a page layout suitable for A4 paper by adapting the American layout of article.sty to Dutch typographical tastes, to the implementation of a new letter style called `brief'.
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Barbara Beeton
TUGboat production: TeX, LaTeX, and paste-up, English, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 77-84
keywords: TUGboat, production
abstract: TUGboat has now completed more than ten years of publication. Starting with TeX78 and an electrostatic printer and progressing through increasingly versatile software and hardware, the authors have kept us challenged, both with the content that the reader sees and the little tricks that happen `under the covers'. This talk will be a survey of some of the milestones of TUGboat production, our editorial philosophy, what we've learned about what TeX can and cannot do, and some advice to authors and production editors of other publications.
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Jeroen Soutberg
SGML and TeX at Elsevier Science Publishers, English, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 85-88
keywords: SGML, Elsevier, publishers
abstract: Contents:
-- Introduction;
-- ESP;
-- Manuscript routing;
-- Role of SGML;
-- Role of ...TeX;
-- Projects.
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Kees van der Laan
NTG's second year, English, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 89-90
keywords: activiteiten, NTG, EuroTeX
abstract: A survey of NTG's activities in its second year is enumerated.
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Joachim Lammarsch
Development of DANTE e.V., English, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 91-92
keywords: Dante
abstract: !!
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Kees van der Laan
Verslag GUTenberg '90, Dutch, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 93-98
keywords: GUTenberg
abstract: -- Zusterclubs zijn automatisch lid van elkaar;
-- DANTE en GUTenberg 100% gegroeid;
-- TUGlib wordt uitgebreid met TeX bibliografie;
-- Zetten commutator diagrammen via LaTeX;
-- Ook muziek zetten nu via TeX;
-- Zetten van (ADA, ...) programma's;
-- Zetten van bridge literatuur;
-- Voor multilingual TeX3.0 is MLTeX nog nodig;
-- TeX in kleur?
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Kees van der Laan
Board-of-Directors and Euro-Summit at Cork90, English, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 99-102
keywords: EuroTeX, board of directors, Cork
abstract: TUG organizational:
-- TUG is really open now;
-- Working Groups will be sent off with better task
descriptions and reporting time schedules;
-- How to fulfil better membership needs is proposed;
-- A scholarly TUGboat and a separate newsletter is proposed;
Topical TUGboat issues are under consideration;
-- No increased membership/postage fees for those outside USA;
-- The dangling reciprocal membership question is near to a pilot study;
-- BoD can operate faster because of adoption of voting by e-mail;
-- An extended membership directory is asked for;
-- A resource directory is asked for;
-- Maintenance/evolution of TeX etc. software must be handled by TUG and LUGs; DEK and LL are out of it!
-- More attention will be paid to PR activities: Welcome c.q. Information/Demo packets will be prepared;
-- Eastern and Western European countries will exchange information;
-- A status report, Euro-Summit Cork90(?), will appear with contact addresses and status reports.
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Nico Poppelier, Kees van der Laan
Report European TeX conference Cork90, English, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 103-108
keywords: conference, Cork, EuroTeX
abstract: The following was on at this joint TUG90 and EuroTeX90 meeting at Cork. Hypertext and TeX. Cork encoding scheme for 8 bit fonts. Halftone output from TeX. Macro writing in TeX, especially Getting TeXnical. The Dutch TeX efforts were reported. The issue of a TeX archive was raised again. Text around figures in LaTeX. Document design and style development. Proposals for LaTeX3.0. SGML and TeX for tables and Math. Graphics and TeX, such as PiCTeX use, tif format and pk files. Old german fonts. BiBTeX requirements. Discussion of TeX books. The question of TeX at schools was raised.
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Huub Mulders
TeX structuurschema's, Dutch, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 109-112
keywords: structuurschema's
abstract: Overzicht van de structuur van TeX en METAFONT en de bijbehorende bestandtypen.
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The 1990 DECUS TeX Collection, English, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 113-114
keywords: Decus
abstract: The DECUS Languages and Tools SIG Public Domain Working Group and the Electronic Publishing SIG TeX/LaTeX/WEB Working Group are proud to announce the 1990 DECUS TeX Collection. This col-lection offers nearly everything a TeX User would want on their system for TeX.
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Victor Eijkhout
New books on TeX, English, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 115-117
keywords: book reviews
abstract: Review of `Introduction to TeX' (Jost Krieger, Norbert Schwartz), `TeX for the advanced' (Wolfgang Appelt), `TeX for the impatient' (Paul Abrahams).
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Victor Eijkhout
An indentation scheme, English, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 118-121
keywords: indentation, paragraphs
abstract: Indentation is one of the simpler things in TeX: if you leave one input line open you get a new paragraph, and it is indented unless you say \noindent. And if you get tired of writing \noindent all of the time, you declare \parindent=0pt at the start of your document. Easy. More sophisticated approaches to indentation are possible, however. In this article I will sketch a quite general approach that can easily be incorporated in existing macro packages. For a better appreciation of what goes on, I will start with a tutorial section on what happens when TeX starts a paragraph.
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Victor Eijkhout
A parskip scheme, English, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 122-124
keywords: \parskip, \everypar, paragraphs, skips
abstract: In this article I will present an approach that unifies the paragraph skip and the white spaces surroundingvarious environments. Since the macros given below make use of the \everypar token list, this article may be seen as a sequel to an earlier paper on an indentation scheme, which is based on a similar principle. The \everypar parameter was explained there.
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Kees van der Laan
SGML (,TeX and ...), English, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 125-140
keywords: SGML
abstract: What SGML (and TeX) is all about is given in a nutshell. Markup of example document elements, by SGML and LaTeX, are provided. Coupling SGML to TeX is considered by direct translation and by the intermediate procedural markup phase. Interfacing SGML to (La)TeX is also addressed. Some guidelines are provided in order to decide when SGML, or TeX (alone, both, or neither) might be beneficial. It is a 3-in-1 paper: what is SGML and TeX all about, examples of marked up copy in SGML and (La)TeX and the coupling issues, finished up with a literature compilation.
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Nico Poppelier
SGML en TeX in scientific publishing, English, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 141-144
keywords: SGML, scientific publishing
abstract: Elsevier Science Publishershas for a few years investigated the possibility of accepting compuscripts, a manuscript in electronic form, created with TeX, LaTeX and a few other text processing systems, and converting these to SGMLform. This paper will discuss the current status of these activities, the reasons for converting compuscripts to SGMLform, and the various ways in which TeX isused.
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Donald Knuth
The future of TeX and METAFONT, English, MAPS 5, 1990, pp. 145-146
keywords: future
abstract: My work on developing TeX, METAFONT, and Computer Modern has come to an end. I will make no further changes except to correct extremely serious bugs.
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Nederlandstalige TeX Gebruikersgroep
Postbus 394
1740 AJ Schagen
The Netherlands
E-mail: ntg@ntg.nl

Last modified: Tue May 19 16:32:23 MDT 1998 by: Piet van Oostrum