NTG's MAPS 7 (1991)


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Gerard van Nes (editor)
MAPS 91.2, Dutch/English, MAPS 7, 1991 (NTG), pp. 1-135
keywords: NTG, MAPS, Minutes & Appendices
abstract: NTG's magazine
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Gerard van Nes
Verslag, Dutch, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 3-9
keywords: verslag, ledenvergadering
abstract: Opening; Verslag bijeenkomst 20 november 1990; Ingekomen stukken en Mededelingen; NTG jaarvergadering; Verslag/discussie werkgroepen; Rondvraag; NTG presentaties: `TeX in de praktijk'; Sluiting.
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TeX kalender & Glossary, Dutch, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 9
keywords: kalender, glossary
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Werkgroepen NTG, Dutch, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 10-11
keywords: werkgroepen
abstract: Verslag werkgroepen.
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Johannes Braams
Begroting 1991 en 1992, Dutch, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 12-13
keywords: begroting
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TEX-NL subscription, Dutch, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 14-16
keywords: TEX-NL, mailing list
abstract: Overzicht gebruikers listserver.
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NTG fileserver faciliteiten, Dutch, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 17-22
keywords: fileserver
abstract: Overzicht inhoud NTG fileserver.
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Kees van der Laan
Van de Voorzitter, Dutch, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 23
keywords: voorzitter
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Kees van der Laan
NTG's continuation: The Third Year, English, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 24-25
keywords: NTG, continuation, third year
abstract: An NTG year of activity parallels the Dutch academic year: September to September. The membership increased by roughly 40% to circa 140 members of which 25 or so are institutional members. Due to the intermediate TeX course some financial reserve has been built up. NTG's third year can be characterized by `continuation,' and the embarkation upon a multi-year project.
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Kees van der Laan
WG 1: Education; Contribution to TUG-LRP report, English, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 26-32
keywords: werkgroepen, education, TUG-LPR
abstract: Worldwide TeX/METAFONT education is proposed with compatible modules, such that a user can plan an education path. A pool of teachers is proposed. How to address the problem of qualified teachers is touched upon.
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Kees van der Laan
WG 1: Education; Review Michael Doob's A Gentle, English, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 33-35
keywords: education, review
abstract: Review of Michael Doob's `A Gentle Introduction to TeX'.
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Jos Winnink
WG 7: PC-zaken; TeX voor MS/PC-DOS PC's en Atari's, Dutch, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 36
keywords: werkgroepen, PC, MS-DOS, Atari
abstract: Activiteiten van werkgroep 7: PC-zaken.
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David van Leeuwen
WG 13: `Neerlandica'; The Right of ij to be a Ligature, English, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 37-38
keywords: Neerlandica, ij-ligature
abstract: Discussion of the right of the Dutch `ij' to be a ligature.
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Kees van der Laan
Enige Suggesties aan de Redactie van de MAPS, Dutch, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 39-40
keywords: MAPS-redactie
abstract: De functie van de MAPS wordt belicht en gerelateerd aan hoe dat te verwezenlijken. Punten aangestipt zijn: onjuiste afbrekingen, slecht-ogende automatische uitvullingen, en typos. Voorgestelde oplossing geen referee-mechanisme maar duidelijk aan de auteurs geven van wat van ze verwacht wordt plus overgaan op de nieuwere tools. Structureel is het te late verschijnen voorkomen vanwege het notulen-aspect: geen notulen geen vergadering.
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Piet Tutelaers
A Font and a Style for Typesetting Chess using LaTeX or TeX, English, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 41-46
keywords: typesetting, chess, fonts
abstract: !!
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Kees van der Laan
Typesetting Bridge via LaTeX, English, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 47-50
keywords: typesetting, bridge, LaTeX
abstract: LaTeX macros and a bidding environment for typesetting bridge card distributions and bidding sequences are given. Examples borrowed from bridge literature are supplied.
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Kees van der Laan
Typesetting Bridge via TeX, English, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 51-62
keywords: typesetting, bridge, plain TeX
abstract: Enhanced plain TeX macros and a bidding environment for typesetting bridge card distributions and bidding sequences are given. As a follow-up of the LaTeX macros given in [12]. Moreover, macros for annotated printing of the course of the play are provided. Examples of use are included.
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Hanna Kolodziejska
Go diagrams with TeX, English, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 63-68
keywords: go, diagrams
abstract: Encoureged by Zalman Rubinstein, who described his chess diagrams in TUGboat vol. 10 no. 2, I have prepared some special fonts and TeX macros to be used in typesetting go diagrams.
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Kees van der Laan
Towers of Hanoi, revisited, English, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 69-70
keywords: towers of Hanoi
abstract: Another version of TeXing of `The Towers of Hanoi' problem is provided, which does not assume Lisp knowledge, just plain TeX. Also some variations of use are included, among others to remove the restriction on the disks: disk size can be supplied by more than one digit.
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Kees van der Laan
6th European TeX Conference, English, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 71-75
keywords: EuroTeX, conference, Paris
abstract: -- User groups:
CyrTUG is bound to become important. CSTUG prospers. HunTUG is modest. The Poles can't get organized. Yunus is only a list. The other five just go on.
-- Panels:
TeX in Europe, how can we obtain better acceptance? LaTeX3: impressive history, no release dates of yet.
-- Presentations:
Zlatuska's ACCENTS processor, for automatic generation of accented virtual fonts for European languages from English input fonts in the TeX font layout, looks promising.
-- Publishing houses:
MIR is involved. Springer is active and has some user guides out for a pilot journal. The Czech scientific journals are all formatted by TeX!
-- Products:
LAMSTeX is still going public. Very promising though, especially the wizards manual.
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Kees van der Laan
The TUG91 Annual Meeting, English, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 76-82
keywords: TUG, annual meeting, conference
abstract: -- Education:
David Salomon is a great teacher: insights! He has donated his notes to TUG for inclusion in the TeXniques series.
-- Publishing houses:
The publishing houses accept (La)TeX copy. AMS leads with their total production formatted via TeX: 90K pages per year.
-- Interchange format:
DVI and Encapsulated PostScript!
-- Workshops:
Modifying manmac was great! The ways of encapsulating Postscript are put together by Anita Hoover. (see elsewhere in MAPS)
-- Products:
LAMSTeX goes public. Arbortext has extended and improved their products. ETP, of Mimi Lafrenz, did steal the show.
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Kees van der Laan
TUG Board of Directors meeting, English, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 83-84
keywords: TUG meeting, board of directors
abstract: The following are loosely formulated issues which were agreed upon. For more preciseness the reader is referred to the (approved) minutes.
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Kees van der Laan
Visit AMS and TUG office, English, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 85-86
keywords: AMS, TUG office
abstract: A report is given of the role of AMS with respect to TeX and TUG. The TUG office is next door and the cooperation is beneficial. A few relevant documents and the AMS preprint styles as well as the accompanying documentation are enumerated.
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Theo Jurriens
TeXniques in Siberia, English, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 87-90
keywords: Siberia, LaTeX, course, USSR
abstract: This article summarizes the problems of giving a LaTeX course in Siberia. It concludes with an overview concerning the future of TeX inside the USSR.
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Alan Hoenig
An Introduction to TeX for New Users, English, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 91-96
keywords: introduction, new users
abstract: The purpose of this brief introduction is not to present a tutorial into the use of TeX, but rather to introduce the user to the whole notion of what it means to use TeX, how TeX differs from other typesetting systems, and what the advantages are to using TeX.
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Rein Smedinga
Hoe met LaTeX een boek kan worden gemaakt, Dutch, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 97-101
keywords: LaTeX, boeken maken
abstract: Het creëren van een boek met LaTeX is geen vanzelfsprekende bezigheid. Onderstaand het relaasvan zo'n poging: het boek-in-wording Inleiding Informatica dat in eerste instantie als dictaat bij het bijbehorende college is geschreven en nu in een boekversie is aangeboden aan Addison-Wesley. In onderstaand betoog wordt voorbij gegaan aan het belangrijkste onderdeel van het schrijven van een boek: het schrijven van de tekst. We zullen het hier slechts hebben over de problemen en oplossingen voor wat betreft de layout.
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Theo Jurriens
Ladies and LaTeX, English, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 102-104
keywords: LaTeX, non-scientists, simplification
abstract: This paper describes the use of LaTeX by non-astronomers at the Kapteyn Institute. Although the general opinion is that it is too complicated for non-scientist, experience in Groningen proves otherwise. If you provide good tools or styles everybody is capable of using LaTeX. Also, the astronomers took over tricks from the ladies, simplifying their lives, too.
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Nico Poppelier
Two Sides of the Fence, Dutch, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 105-110
keywords: TUG meeting, current status, future
abstract: The purpose of this talk is to give an overview of the four days of the twelfth annual TUG meeting; it is an attempt to show that the different streams in the programme of the meeting are connected, that they are part of a whole. Also, I make some comments and observations regarding the current status and the future of TeX, and the future of publishing in general.
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Anita Hoover
Report on Workshop: Getting PostScript into TeX and LaTeX Documents, Dutch, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 111-116
keywords: workshop, PostScript
abstract: !!
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Nelson Beebe
The TUGLIB Server, English, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 117-123
keywords: TUGLIB, ftp, mail, Internet
abstract: Scores of sites on the worldwide Internet now provide access to assorted collections of software relating to TeX and METAFONT. In many cases, these are accessible only via the Internet mechanism known as anonymous ftp, a scheme that permits logins from unknown users, usually on other machines, with very restricted access. The name ftp is an acronym for file transfer protocol. To improve the access to the TeX archives and other software at Utah, I have installed `tuglib'. This server provides a means whereby remote users can send electronic mail messages containing service requests to a daemon program. The daemon parses the requests, logs them, and responds to them.
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Victor Eijkhout, Ron Sommeling
Self-replicating macros, English, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 124
keywords: macros, self-replication
abstract: !!
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Victor Eijkhout
New books on TeX, English, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 125-126
keywords: new books, review
abstract: Review of `A Beginner's Book of TeX' (Kopka/Levy).
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Kees van der Laan
Impression INRSTeX, and some more, English, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 127-129
keywords: INRSTeX
abstract: The work of Michael Fergusson on INRSTeX is discussed, Michael's comments on the review are included.
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Ralph Youngen
AMSTeX, Dutch, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 130
keywords: AMSTeX
abstract: !!
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Michael Spivak
LAMSTeX, Dutch, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 131
keywords: LAMSTeX
abstract: !!
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Yannis Haralambous
ScholarTeX, Dutch, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 132
keywords: ScholarTeX
abstract: ScholarTeX is a collection of fonts, macros, preprocessor, hyphenation patterns, other related software and a 150-pages manual with many illustrations, exemples, exercises and mottos. It's purpose is to allow the use of TeX in the following languages: Greek, Epigraphical Greek, Armenian, Arabic, Hebrew, Syriac, Saxon, Old German, Phonetic Alphabet.
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TUGboat, Table of Contents, English, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 133-134
keywords: TUGboat, contents
abstract: Table of contents of TUGboat Volume 12.1 and 12.2.
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David Salomon
`Insights in TeX' course, Dutch, MAPS 7, 1991, pp. 135
keywords: course, insights
abstract: This course, with no hands-on, is aimed at TeX and LaTeX users who are ready for to acquire more insights into the TeXnigma. For those who are still working at the `book' level an extra one-day introductory course can be organized if need for that is large enough.
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Postbus 394
1740 AJ Schagen
The Netherlands
E-mail: ntg@ntg.nl

Last modified: Fri Apr 3 15:31:33 MDT 1998 by: Piet van Oostrum