TeX Live 2022 - bugs and updates

Most of TeX Live is a redistribution of packages and programs from elsewhere, primarily CTAN. So, the target for bug reports varies according to the nature of the problem.

Common requests:

Known issues in TeX Live 2022

Bug archives for the previous release and earlier years remain online (under systems/texlive; both the initial release each year, and the frozen state at the end of the cycle in tlnet-final).

Notable changes

As always, there were pervasive updates to packages and programs (highlights of changes). We can't list them all, but here are some major user-visible changes in the principal programs:


Cross-engine extensions
In engines except for original TeX, Aleph, and hiTeX:

eptex, euptex (full ChangeLog)

luatex (full LuaTeX news)

metapost (full MetaPost news)
Bug fix for infinite macro expansion.

pdftex (full pdfTeX news)

ptex et al. (full pTeX news)

xetex (full XeTeX news)
New wrapper scripts xetex-unsafe and xelatex-unsafe for simpler invocation of documents requiring both XeTeX and PSTricks transparency operators, which are inherently unsafe in Ghostscript 9.55 and earlier; as of 9.56, these have been reimplemented in Ghostscript, but it will take time for this release and inevitable updates to be stable and widespread. For safety, use Lua(La)TeX.

dvipdfmx (full dvipdfmx news)

dvips (full dvips news)
By default, do not attempt automatic media adjustment for rotated paper sizes; the new option --landscaperotate re-enables.

upmendex (full upmendex news)

kpathsea (full Kpathsea news)
First path returned from kpsewhich -all is now the same as a regular (non-all) search.

tlmgr (full tlmgr news)

MacTeX and its binary folder universal-darwin require macOS 10.14 or higher (Mojave, Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey). The x86_64-darwinlegacy binary folder, available only with the Unix install-tl, supports 10.6 (Snow Leopard) and newer.

No changes to platform support for this year (2022). However, for next year's release (2023), we are planning to switch the Windows binaries from 32-bit to 64-bit. We most likely will not provide both simultaneously.

$Date: 2023/02/24 22:54:43 $; TeX Live;