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AmsTeX and AmsLaTeX

* Source Documents * AmsLaTeX * AmsLaTeX

Source Documents

AmsTeX and AmsLaTeX are, respectively, extenstions of TeX and LaTeX for typsetting mathematical entities. To handle documents that use such extensions, a style file `AmsTeX4ht.sty', and additional hypertext fonts, are offered. The source files should invoke this style file, instead of `TeX4ht.sty'.



amsmath.sty, amstex.sty, amsthm.sty

These style files rely heavily on constructs that are referenced within `\begin{...}...\end{...}' environments, and so they allow for hypertext configurations that are set by \ConfigureEnv commands.


amsart.cls, amsproc.cls

Commands of the form `\Configure{entry}{after-entry}{before-entry}' may be employed for the following entries of the title: title, authors, date, keywords, thanks, and abstract.



Commands of the form `\Configure{entry}{before-entry}{after-entry}' are allowed for the following entries of the title: abstract, abstract, addresses, date, keywords, subjclass, thanks, and translators.



The settings of the following environments can be changed with `\Configure{environment}{before-environment}{after-environment}' commands: \Vmatrix, \align, \alignat, \aligned, \alignedat, \bmatrix, \botaligned, \cases, \gather, \gathered, \matrix, \multline, \pmatrix, \smallmatrix, \topaligned, \vmatrix, \xalignat, and \xxalignat.


The settings of the following entities can be changed with `\Configure{entity}{before-entity}{after-entity}' commands: \MR, \Refs, \affil, \author, \block, \book, \bookinfo, \by, \caption, \date, \ed, \finalinfo, \issue, \jour, \key, \keyformat, \lang, \miscnote, \moreref, \pages, \paper, \paperinfo, \procinfo, \publ, \publaddr, \ref, \title, \toc, \vol, and \yr.

The \Configure{sections} command can be used for changing the default settings of \specialhead, \head, \subhead, and \subsubhead.

Hypertext settings for lists can be requested with commands of the following form. `\Configure{roster} {before-list} {after-list} {before-item} {after-item} {before-sublist} {after-sublist} {before-itemitem} {after-itemitem}'.

amsart.cls, amsproc.cls


The abstracts can be reconfigured with commands of the following form. `\Configure{abstract} {before-title} {after-title} {before-body} {after-body}'.

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