The Web2c programs described here convert between various TeX-related font formats; the first section below briefly describes the formats. GFtoPK is the only one that is routinely used, as Metafont outputs GF format, but it's most efficient for device drivers to use PK.
The precise definitions of the PK, GF, TFM, PL, VF, and VPL formats mentioned below are in the source files that read them; `pktype.web', `gftype.web', `tftopl.web', etc.
(For another perspective on this, see section `Font concepts' in Dvips).
Font files come in several varieties, with suffixes like:
.tfm .*pk .*gf .*pxl (obsolete) .pl .mf .vf .vpl
Each represents a file format.
A TFM (TeX font metric) file is a compact binary file that contains information about each character in a font, about combinations of characters within that font, and about the font as a whole. The font metric information contained in TFM files is device-independent units is used by TeX to do typesetting. Unlike the bitmap (raster) fonts described below, TFM font files contain no information about the shapes of characters. They describe rectangular areas and combinations thereof, but not what will eventually be printed in those areas.
Since TeX does scaling calculations, one TFM file serves for all magnifications of a given typeface. On the other hand, the best printed results are obtained when magnified (or reduced fonts) are not produced geometrically (as done by PostScript, for example) but rather optically, with each size a separate design (as done with Computer Modern and the EC fonts, for example); then a separate TFM file is needed for each size.
At any rate, TeX produces a DVI (DeVice Independent) file from your source document. In order to print DVI files on real devices, you need font files defining digitized character shapes and other data. Then previewers and printer-driver programs can translate your DVI files into something usable by your monitor or printer. Bitmap fonts come with suffixes such as `.600pk' or `.600gf' or `.3000pxl', where the `600' is the horizontal dots-per-inch resolution at which the font was produced, and the `pk' or `gf' or `pxl' indicates the font format. Outline fonts in PostScript Type 1 format have suffixes such as `.pfa' or `.pfb'.
Fonts in pk (packed) format are in the tightly packed raster format that is pretty much the standard today. They take up less space than fonts in the gf (generic font) format that Metafont generates, and far less space than fonts in pxl format. Fonts in pxl format take up gross amounts of disk space and permit only 128 characters. They are obsolete.
Font files with the `.pl' (property list) suffix are the plain text (human-readable) analog of the binary `.tfm' files. The TFtoPL and PLtoTF programs convert between the two formats (see section 10.6 TFtoPL: TeX font metric to property list conversion and section 10.7 PLtoTF: Property list to TeX font metric conversion).
Font files with the `.mf' suffix are in Metafont source format. These are the files used by Metafont to generate rastered fonts for specific typefaces at specific magnifications for the specific resolution and type of mapping used by your device.
The suffix `.vf' identifies "virtual font" files, for which `.vpl' is the human-readable analog. See section 10.8 VFtoVP: Virtual font to virtual property lists and section 10.9 VPtoVF: Virtual property lists to virtual font. For further discussion of virtual fonts, see `CTAN:/doc/virtual-fonts.knuth', `CTAN:/help/virtualfonts.txt', and section `Virtual fonts' in Dvips.
(This section is based on documentation in the original Unix TeX distribution by Pierre MacKay and Elizabeth Tachikawa.)
GFtoPK converts a generic font (GF) file output by, for example,
Metafont (see section 5.1 mf
invocation) to a packed font (PK) file. PK files
are considerably smaller than the corresponding gf files, so they are
generally the bitmap font format of choice. Some DVI-processing
programs, notably Dvips, only support PK files and not GF files.
gftopk [option]... gfname.dpi[gf] [pkfile]
The font gfname is searched for in the usual places (see section `Glyph lookup' in Kpathsea). To see all the relevant paths, set the
environment variable KPATHSEA_DEBUG
to `-1' before running
the program.
The suffix `gf' is supplied if not already present. This suffix is not an extension; no `.' precedes it: for instance, `cmr10.600gf'.
If pkfile is not specified, the output is written to the basename of `gfname.dpipk', e.g., `gftopk /wherever/cmr10.600gf' creates `./cmr10.600pk'.
The only options are `--verbose', `--help', and `--version' (see section 3.2 Common options).
PKtoGF converts a packed font (PK) file to a generic font (GF) file. Since PK format is much more compact than GF format, the most likely reason to do this is to run GFtype (see section 10.5 GFtype: Plain text transliteration of generic fonts) on the result, so you can see the bitmap images. Also, a few old utility programs do not support PK format. Synopsis:
pktogf [option]... pkname.dpi[pk] [gffile]
The font pkname is searched for in the usual places (see section `Glyph lookup' in Kpathsea). To see all the relevant paths, set the
environment variable KPATHSEA_DEBUG
to `-1' before running
the program.
The suffix `pk' is supplied if not already present. This suffix is not an extension; no `.' precedes it: for instance, `cmr10.600pk'.
If gffile is not specified, the output is written to the basename of `pkname.dpigf', e.g., `pktogf /wherever/cmr10.600pk' creates `./cmr10.600gf'.
The only options are `--verbose', `--help', and `--version' (see section 3.2 Common options).
PKtype translates a packed font (PK) bitmap file (as output by GFtoPK, for example) to a plain text file that humans can read. It also serves as a PK-validating program, i.e., if PKtype can read a file, it's correct. Synopsis:
pktype pkname.dpi[pk]
The font pkname is searched for in the usual places (see section `Glyph lookup' in Kpathsea). To see all the relevant paths, set the
environment variable KPATHSEA_DEBUG
to `-1' before running
the program.
The suffix `pk' is supplied if not already present. This suffix is not an extension; no `.' precedes it: for instance, `cmr10.600pk'.
The translation is written to standard output.
The only options are `-help' and `-version' (see section 3.2 Common options).
As an example of the output, here is the (abridged) translation of the letter `K' in `cmr10', as rendered at 600dpi with the mode `ljfour' from (available from `').
955: Flag byte = 184 Character = 75 Packet length = 174 Dynamic packing variable = 11 TFM width = 815562 dx = 4259840 Height = 57 Width = 57 X-offset = -3 Y-offset = 56 [2]23(16)17(8)9(25)11(13)7(27)7(16)7(28)4(18)7(28)2(20)7(27)... ... (14)9(24)12(5)[2]23(13)21
GFtype translates a generic font (GF) bitmap file (as output by Metafont, for example) to a plain text file that humans can read. It also serves as a GF-validating program, i.e., if GFtype can read a file, it's correct. Synopsis:
gftype [option]... gfname.dpi[gf]
The font gfname is searched for in the usual places (see section `Glyph lookup' in Kpathsea). To see all the relevant paths, set the
environment variable KPATHSEA_DEBUG
to `-1' before running
the program.
The suffix `gf' is supplied if not already present. This suffix is not an extension; no `.' precedes it: for instance, `cmr10.600gf'.
The translation is written to standard output.
The program accepts the following options, as well as the standard `-help' and `-version' (see section 3.2 Common options):
As an example of the output, here is the (abrdiged) translation of the letter `K' in `cmr10', as rendered at 600dpi with the mode `ljfour' from `' (available from, with both `-mnemonics' and `-images' enabled.
GFtype outputs the information about a character in two places: a main definition and a one-line summary at the end. We show both. Here is the main definition:
2033: beginning of char 75: 3<=m<=60 0<=n<=56 (initially n=56) paint (0)24(12)20 2043: newrow 0 (n=55) paint 24(12)20 2047: newrow 0 (n=54) paint 24(12)20 2051: newrow 0 (n=53) paint 24(12)20 2055: newrow 7 (n=52) paint 10(21)13 2059: newrow 8 (n=51) paint 8(23)9 ... 2249: newrow 8 (n=5) paint 8(23)11 2253: newrow 7 (n=4) paint 10(22)12 2257: newrow 0 (n=3) paint 24(11)22 2261: newrow 0 (n=2) paint 24(11)22 2265: newrow 0 (n=1) paint 24(11)22 2269: newrow 0 (n=0) paint 24(11)22 2273: eoc .<--This pixel's lower left corner is at (3,57) in METAFONT coordinates ************************ ******************** ************************ ******************** ************************ ******************** ************************ ******************** ********** ************* ******** ********* ... ******** *********** ********** ************ ************************ ********************** ************************ ********************** ************************ ********************** ************************ ********************** .<--This pixel's upper left corner is at (3,0) in METAFONT coordinates
Here is the GF postamble information that GFtype outputs at the end:
Character 75: dx 4259840 (65), width 815562 (64.57289), loc 2033
TFtoPL translates a TeX font metric (TFM, see section `Metric files' in Dvips) file (as output by Metafont, for example) to property list format (a list of parenthesized items describing the font) that humans can edit or read. This program is mostly used by people debugging TeX implementations, writing font utilities, etc. Synopsis:
tftopl [option]... tfmname[.tfm] [plfile[.pl]]
The font tfmname (extended with `.tfm' if necessary) is
searched for in the usual places (see section `Supported file formats' in Kpathsea). To see all the relevant paths, set the
environment variable KPATHSEA_DEBUG
to `-1' before running
the program.
If plfile (which is extended with `.pl' if necessary) is not specified, the property list file is written to standard output. The property list file can be converted back to TFM format by the companion program TFtoPL (see the next section).
The program accepts the following option, as well as the standard `-verbose', `-help' and `-version' (see section 3.2 Common options):
As an example of the output, here is the (abridged) property list translation of `cmr10.tfm':
(FAMILY CMR) (FACE O 352) (CODINGSCHEME TEX TEXT) (DESIGNSIZE R 10.0) (COMMENT DESIGNSIZE IS IN POINTS) (COMMENT OTHER SIZES ARE MULTIPLES OF DESIGNSIZE) (CHECKSUM O 11374260171) (FONTDIMEN (SLANT R 0.0) (SPACE R 0.333334) (STRETCH R 0.166667) (SHRINK R 0.111112) (XHEIGHT R 0.430555) (QUAD R 1.000003) (EXTRASPACE R 0.111112) ) (LIGTABLE ... (LABEL C f) (LIG C i O 14) (LIG C f O 13) (LIG C l O 15) (KRN O 47 R 0.077779) (KRN O 77 R 0.077779) (KRN O 41 R 0.077779) (KRN O 51 R 0.077779) (KRN O 135 R 0.077779) (STOP) ... ) ... (CHARACTER C f (CHARWD R 0.305557) (CHARHT R 0.694445) (CHARIC R 0.077779) (COMMENT (LIG C i O 14) (LIG C f O 13) (LIG C l O 15) (KRN O 47 R 0.077779) (KRN O 77 R 0.077779) ... ) ) ...
As you can see, the general format is a list of parenthesized properties, nested where necessary.
, and so on) are
the so-called headerbyte information from Metafont, giving general
information about the font.
property defines the TeX \fontdimen
property defines the ligature and kerning table.
properties define ligatures: in the example above, an
`f' (in the `LABEL') followed by an `i' is a ligature,
i.e., a typesetting program like TeX replaces those two consecutive
characters by the character at position octal '014 in the current
font--presumably the `fi' ligature. KRN
properties define
kerns: if an `f' is followed by character octal '047 (an
apostrophe), TeX inserts a small amount of space between them:
0.077779 times the design size the font was loaded at (about
three-quarters of a printer's point by default in this case, or .001
property defines the dimensions of a character: its
width, height, depth, and italic correction, also in design-size units,
as explained in the previous item. For our example `f', the depth is
zero, so that property is omitted. TFtoPL also inserts any kerns and
ligatures for this character as a comment.
PLtoTF translates a property list file (as output by TFtoPL, for example) to TeX font metric (TFM, see section `Metric files' in Dvips) format. It's much easier for both programs and humans to create the (plain text) property list files and let PLtoTF take care of creating the binary TFM equivalent than to output TFM files directly. Synopsis:
pltotf [option]... plfile[.pl] [tfmfile[.tfm]]
If tfmfile (extended with `.tfm' if necessary) is not specified, the TFM file is written to the basename of `plfile.tfm', e.g., `pltotf /wherever/' creates `./cmr10.tfm'. (Since TFM files are binary, writing to standard output by default is undesirable.)
The only options are `-verbose', `-help', and `-version' (see section 3.2 Common options).
For an example of property list format, see the previous section.
VFtoVP translates a virtual font metric (VF, see section `Virtual fonts' in Dvips) file and its accompanying TeX font metric (TFM, see section `Metric files' in Dvips) file (as output by VPtoVF, for example) to virtual property list format (a list of parenthesized items describing the virtual font) that humans can edit or read. This program is mostly used by people debugging virtual font utilities. Synopsis:
vftovp [option]... vfname[.vf] [tfmname[.tfm] @c [vplfile[.vpl]]]
The fonts vfname and tfmname (extended with `.vf' and
`.tfm' if necessary) are searched for in the usual places
(see section `Supported file formats' in Kpathsea). To see all the
relevant paths, set the environment variable KPATHSEA_DEBUG
`-1' before running the program. If tfmname is not
specified, vfname (without a trailing `.vf') is used.
If vplfile (extended with `.vpl' if necessary) is not specified, the property list file is written to standard output. The property list file can be converted back to VF and TFM format by the companion program VFtoVP (see the next section).
The program accepts the following option, as well as the standard `-verbose', `-help' and `-version' (see section 3.2 Common options):
VPtoVF translates a virtual property list file (as output by VFtoVP, for example) to virtual font (VF, see section `Virtual fonts' in Dvips) and TeX font metric (TFM, see section `Metric files' in Dvips) files. It's much easier for both programs and humans to create the (plain text) property list files and let VPtoVF take care of creating the binary VF and TFM equivalents than to output them directly. Synopsis:
vptovf [option]... vplfile[.vpl] [vffile[.vf] @c [tfmfile[.tfm]]]
If vffile (extended with `.vf' if necessary) is not specified, the VF file is written to the basename of `vplfile.vf'; similarly for tfmfile. For example, `vptovf /wherever/ptmr.vpl' creates `./ptmr.vf' and `./ptmr.tfm'.
The only options are `-verbose', `-help', and `-version' (see section 3.2 Common options).
The Web2c complement of font utilities merely implements a few basic conversions. Many other more sophisticated font utilities exist; most are in `CTAN:/fonts/utilities' (for CTAN info, see section `unixtex.ftp' in Kpathsea). Here are some of the most commonly-requested items:
, and chtopx
programs from
, from `CTAN:/fonts/utilities/ps2pk'.
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