TeX Users Group
Course Schedule

TUG offers courses at each Annual Meeting. Arrangements can be made to teach courses at your site, tailoring courses to fit the specific needs of your organization. Below are descriptions of several of the courses. For specific information regarding dates and costs, please contact the TUG office.

Beginning/Intermediate TeX

For those with little or no exposure to TeX we offer a practical, yet intensive introduction. This course will be composed of equal parts lecture and laboratory sessions, including practical exercises for each object of study. Topics covered will include modification of line spacing, line breaking, specification of fonts, paragraph shapes, complex interaction between glues and boxes, mathematics, tables, and an introduction to macro writing.

Intensive Course in LaTeX

The Intensive LaTeX course is for those with limited or no previous exposure to TeX and LaTeX. It will comprise of equal parts lecture and laboratory sessions, including practical exercises for each object of study. Topics covered include paragraphs, footnotes, lists, tabular, tables, figures, cross references, splitting input, page styles, comparison of classes, defining new commands and environments, bibliography handling, relationship of TeX and LaTeX, and handling of error messages.

Modifying LaTeX Document Classes

This course begins with a review of LaTeX fundamentals and an introduction to the structure of document classes. You will learn what is involved in creating some basic document classes. Approaches to the most commonly desired changes for document classes will be examined. Students should bring one or two projects to be completed during the course.

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