TeX4ht: LaTeX and TeX for Hypertext

TeX4ht is a highly configurable TeX-based authoring system for producing hypertext. It interacts with TeX-based applications through style files and postprocessors, leaving the processing of the source files to the native TeX compiler. Consequently, TeX4ht can handle the features of TeX-based systems in general, and of the LaTeX and AMS style files in particular.

The examples of this document relate mainly to configurations tailored for HTML 3.2, HTML transitional 4.0, XHTML, CSS, XML, and MathML. The document itself, zipped together with the files of TeX4ht, is available for downloading (osu, tug).[unzip]

Using the System

Typical LaTeX source files can be compiled into standard HTML formats in a manner similar to the way they are compiled into print formats, namely, through commands of the form `htlatex filename "options1" "option2" "options3"'. For instance,

htlatex foo 
htlatex foo "xhtml," 
htlatex foo "html,3.2" 
htlatex foo "html,html.4ht,picmath4.4ht"    "symbol/!" 
htlatex foo "html4.4ht,unicode.4ht,mathml.4ht,xhtml" "unicode/!" 
htlatex foo "html"    ""    "-p" 
In some platforms the double quotes should be replaced with single right-quotes, and in some cases they might be omitted. The interpretation of the above commands is provided within the local documentation of the available features.

Other LaTeX source files may require customization of their environments, and may be better served with system commands of the form `ht latex filename'. Similarly, for TeX sources the commands of the forms `httex filename' and `ht tex filename' may be used, and for TeXinfo sources commands of the forms `httexi filename' and `ht tex filename' may be used.


The main features of TeX4ht are described in:

The documents LaTeX to XML/MathML and A demonstration of TeX4ht may provide additional insight into the system (and some outdated details). Paul Gartside adjusted a couple of examples from the first document for viewing by MathML-enabled Mozilla browsers.


For the system to it needs a port made up of native utilities of TeX4ht and of non-native utilities (see overview). The TeX Live and 4allTeX CD-ROM distributions, and the fpTeX and simtelnet distributions, include installed versions of these utilities. Hence, users having no need for the latest version of TeX4ht might be well served by getting the system from the above distributions.

The current document gives instructions on how to establish ports for Unix and MS Win 95/98/NT. Alternative ports for these and other platforms can be tailored in a similar manner.

Philip A. Viton discusses in details issues of installing TeX4ht under MikTeX and Scientific Word/WorkPlace, but many of the topics apply also to other platforms. The port Gertjan Klein proposed for an older version of TeX4ht suggests alternative ways to conduct the translation of pictures into gif's. Steven Zeil offers improvements for the above settings.

trouble shooting | Q/A | code contributions | bug fixes


Languages: LaTeX, TeX, HTML, XML, MathML, Style Sheets, Validators
Converters for
other formats:
Dvi2bitmap 1, Dvipdfm 2, PdfTeX 3, Plain2 4, LaTeX to ... 5
Conversion to Bitmaps | math on the web | web publishing with LaTeX | conversion services


TeX4ht is provided under the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL). However, it is allowed to modify the files without changing their names, if the signatures of the files are modified (see copyright notices within the files).


I am very grateful for the suggestions, contributions, and bug reports offered by many people. In particular, thanks go to Gertjan Klein and Sebastian Rahtz who got deeply involved in the project for long periods of time, and to Philip Viton for his documentation.

Eitan M. Gurari
March 1, 2000

 Using the System  Features  Installation  Resources  License  Acknowledgment  Index