Aims and Benefits of TUG membership


  1. to encourage and expand the use of TeX, METAFONT and related systems
  2. to ensure the integrity and portability of TeX, METAFONT and related systems
  3. to foster innovation in high-quality electronic document preparation

Members of TUG help to promote the use of TeX and related systems, and receive the following:


  1. Publications: Each year, all members receive the quarterly journal TUGboat, The Communications of the TeX Users Group. One of the four TUGboat issues contains the proceedings of the annual meeting, so if you can't make the meeting, you can still keep up to date with the latest developments.
  2. The TeX Live CD-ROM: containing ready-to-run TeX systems for most Unix variants, Windows 95, 98, NT, and a very large set of fonts and macros arranged according to the standard TeX directory structure (TDS).
  3. Annual Meetings: TUG's Annual Meetings bring TeX users together to learn the latest in TeX applications and innovations through seminars, talks and informal gatherings. They offer an opportunity to connect with other TeX users at every level. Each conference is informative, but always informal and friendly - the perfect forum for valuable interaction and exchange of ideas on TeX.
  4. TeX Worldwide: When you belong to TUG you connect with other TeX user associations around the world. Reciprocal membership arrangements are available with some of the European groups.
  5. Knuth Scholarship Award is an award for the best original project using TeX. The award consists of an expenses-paid (not to exceed $2000) trip to the next annual meeting. The competition is open to all TeX users holding support positions that are secretarial, clerical or editorial in nature. It is therefore not intended for those with a substantial training in technical, scientific or mathematical subjects and, in particular, it is not open to anyone holding, or studying for, a degree with a major or concentration in these areas. Please see Guidelines for the Knuth Scholarship.
  6. TeX Training: Each year TUG offers seminars and courses for beginner, intermediate and advanced TeX users throughout North America and Europe. TUG will customize on-site courses to meet your company's specific needs.
  7. Discounts:

TUG also distributes some TeX software, and provides limited technical support for members.

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